Muztagh Ata (China) - August 2006

To the west of the west of China

The least you can say about Mt Muztagh Ata, is that it has a fine neighborhood : at the south, the Karakoram range, at the east, Tajikistan and the Pamir range, at the west, Taklamakan desert ("if you go in you don't come out" in Uyghur language) and at the north Tien Shan mountains and the fabled city of Kashgar. This is also a famous mountain for alpinists who can go down skiing thanks to (relativly) gentle slopes. But to really appreciate it nothing is better than a good trek going around it. On this trek, Muztagh Ata is king.

Photo gallery

Check out the photos of the trek on Flickr, to download the images in their original size and see on a map the places where they were taken.


The trek map in Google Maps.